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#2020034 - Method and system for determining condition of a subject based on connectome

Abigail Livnie, Reut Raizman, Inbar Meningher, Gregory Berlinerblau

Categories Medical Imaging
Patent Status Pending

Background and Need

Functional MRI (fMRI) is an MRI technique that locates activated brain regions by detecting, via the NMR phenomenon, differences between a state of the hemoglobin in which oxygen is bound thereto (oxygenated hemoglobin) and a state of the hemoglobin in which oxygen released therefrom (deoxygenated hemoglobin).

A map of neural connections in the brain is referred to as a connectome. The connections can be structural, in which case the connectome is referred to as a structural connectome (SC), or functional, in which case the connectome is referred to as a functional connectome (FC).  A SC expresses the connection among brain regions by axonal fibers and is therefore conventionally constructed by analysis of data obtained by DTI. FC expresses the correlation among activated brain regions and is therefore conventionally constructed by analysis of data obtained by fMRI.

In the field of brain diseases, especially in psychiatric and several neurological diseases, there is a lack of objective diagnostic tools and tools for outcome prediction and personalized medicine. 


A novel single matrix combining structural and functional features, holding the spatial aspect of a neural network further allowing to identify the pattern of a diseased brain Combination of structural and functional network architecture.

By combing these integrated multimodal connectomics with machine learning techniques, the inventors aspire to take advantage of the unique properties of connectomics data for implementation of novel tools for diagnostic, outcome prediction and personalized medicine in brain diseases.

This unique technology is easy to implement in the clinical setting: Only 1 MRI session of 20 minutes including no contrast injection.