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Incentive Programs

The Israel Innovation Authority - Incentive programs

  • The Israel Innovation Authority, an independent publicly funded agency provides a variety of practical tools and funding platforms.
  • The Israel Innovation offers incentive programs that offer support and funding for implementing the ideas, developing the products and mobilizing private investment.

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These programs include:


a. ”Hachvanat Yeda Academy” (NOFAR, KAMIN

Focuses on supporting applied research in academia that have not matured sufficiently for the industry.
The research institution supported by the incentive program is entitled to a grant of up to 90% of the approved budget with a maximum scope of NIS 550,000 with a supporting company (without a supporting company, the maximum scope is NIS 440,000).

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b. Technology Transfer – MAGNETON
The incentive program encourages the transfer of technological knowledge accumulated in academia for the use of industry, by creating collaborations between Israeli companies and academic research groups. 
An applied research grant of up to 66% of the approved budget up to 24 months.

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c. Generic Technologies R&D Consortiums - MAGNET
This program allows joint activity of a group of industrial corporations and research institutions collaborating to develop innovative technologies.The corporations promote a joint R&D infrastructure required by several industrial entities from the same technological field.
The amount of the grant provided through the consortium is up to 66% of the approved budget for an industrial company and 100% of the approved budget for a research institution. The program period is three years.

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Other funding sources and program types include:


A joint venture of the Innovation Authority, Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Defense. This incentive program supports the development of innovative solutions for the defense and commercial markets.
A grant of 50%-90% in accordance with the type and nature of the activity.
This incentive program provides an opportunity to transfer military capabilities to the civilian market and vice versa.

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  • Tnufa

incentive program that supports entrepreneurs for reaching proof of concept and business feasibility of early stage projects.

The grant is up to NIS 200,000 over a period of two years: NIS 100,000 awarded each year (85% of the approved budget).

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  • MAFAT - Ministry of Defense Administration for the Development of Weapons and Technological Infrastructure

המנהל למחקר פיתוח אמל"ח ותשתיות טכנולוגיות

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